Dionaea muscipula Wave clip


9cm Pot

5 in stock

SKU: WPDM211 Categories: ,


Dionaea muscipula Wave clip has jagged teeth and is a  Venus Flytrap with a wave form trap, as the name suggests.

Venus Fly trap Wave clip (Dionaea muscipula Wave clip) is easy to care for; full sun, stand in rainwater, no poking (this tires the plant out reducing its lifespan). They can live for as long as you look after them. Venus Fly traps do go dormant in winter, which is usually when they are thrown away. They are not dead, just asleep.
The Dionaea muscipula Wave clip does exactly what it says on the tin. They produce nectar to attract insects. Their colouring has a similar effect. They usually have three trigger hairs on each side of the trap, and if two of these trigger hairs are stimulated, the trap is sprung. Increased movement causes the trap to close tighter and tighter. The insect is “squeezed” and the juice digested.
In the summer sit them in full sun, in- or outdoors, in a deep saucer of rainwater. In winter expect them to not look great. The leaves can turn black (remove), the plant could even go under ground, it is dormant. We recommend a cool, airy, light area, frost free, under 10°C is preferable, full sun if possible. During the dormancy period, the main risk to the plant is rotting caused by fungal diseases. It is therefore important to reduce the watering, just keeping the plant damp, but not to let the plant dry out completely.

Additional information

Weight 0.6 kg

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