Care Leaflets

Please view / download or print your care leaflet.

Dionaea muscipula – Venus Fly Trap

Sarracenia – North American Pitcher Plant

Drosera – Sundew

Cephalotus – Australian Pitcher Plant

Nepenthes – Asian Pitcher Plant

Pinguicula – Butterwort

Heliamphora – South American Pitcher Plant

Utricularia – Bladderwort

Darlingtonia – Cobra Lily

Wack's Wicked Plants
Wack's Wicked Plants3 days ago
VFT Tuesday!!! Dm Red moon trap, dm Ramesse 1, dm GJ Maratchi , dm Umgekrempelt, dm Plumechon + dm erect Green form 😊
Wack's Wicked Plants
Wack's Wicked Plants1 week ago
Good start to the day!!!
Wack's Wicked Plants
Wack's Wicked Plants2 weeks ago
Our latest creation!! Hope the judges like it 😊 @rhstattonflowershow
Wack's Wicked Plants
Wack's Wicked Plants3 weeks ago
It may be soggy but we got a Gold!!! 🌟😀
Wack's Wicked Plants
Wack's Wicked Plants4 weeks ago
Possibly the angriest looking cephalotus leaf I’ve ever seen!!! 😡🧐😄
Wack's Wicked Plants
Wack's Wicked Plants4 weeks ago
Plants are officially ready for WWP open weekend!! 10 till 4 both days 😊😎😍 sarras, diss orchids and few surprises 🤔😃